Benefits flow for Murraylands water partnerships as SA Water’s 2020 community program opens


Benefits flow for Murraylands water partnerships as SA Water’s 2020 community program opens

Therapy horses at Monarto's Lincoln Park Horse and Human Rehabilitation Centre are now lapping-up drinking water from new refillable water troughs delivered as part of SA Water's Community Partnerships Program, which has now opened for applications for 2020.

Back for a third year, the program provides up to $10,000 in financial or in-kind support to events and community groups with projects involving water or water use.

One of the successful recipients of financial support in the 2019 program, Lincoln Park provides equine therapy for defence veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental health issues.

President of Lincoln Park Sonya Little said the partnership has delivered five 200 litre troughs to keep the centre's furry friends hydrated and happy.

"We previously relied on disused bathtubs donated by the public which were tough to keep clean, so our new troughs have already made it much easier to provide safe water to our stable," Sonya said.

"Small regional organisations like us rely on community support to expand and provide services to those in need, and we're extremely grateful to have worked with SA Water in this partnership."

Lincoln Park was one of two recipients of financial support from the Murray Bridge area as part of the 2019 program, with the Murraylands Migrant Resource Centre establishing a native Australian garden planted and cared for by members of the Murray Bridge migrant community.

With applications now open for the 2020 Community Partnerships Program, SA Water's General Manager Customers, Strategy and Innovation Anna Jackson said the utility was keen to hear from more local groups in the Murraylands area with Ideas and projects making a real difference.

"Water plays such an important role in society, and beyond its importance to public health and use for fitness and recreational activities is vital in sustaining employment and economic development in communities across South Australia," Anna said.

"Both Lincoln Park and the Murraylands Migrant Resource Centre play important roles in the Murray Bridge community, and we're proud to have partnered with these and other great organisations from across SA to deliver a better life for locals.

"We had more than 100 applications last year alone from communities across metropolitan and regional SA, and we know there are many more out there that we want to hear from as part of this year's program."

All successful initiatives will need to align with the corporation's vision to deliver world class water services for a better life.

"So many of our customers and community members have great ideas and already established programs that make a difference to the lives of others, and we'd love to know how we can help," Anna said.

Applications for our Community Partnerships Program close on 4 May 2020, with funding for the successful recipients to be made available from July.

To apply or find out details of the type of activities and groups which are eligible, visit





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