Partner-up with SA Water’s community sponsorships


Partner-up with SA Water’s community sponsorships

Not-for-profit community groups, clubs and events are encouraged to partner up with SA Water and apply for up to $10,000 in financial support, as part of the 2021 Community Partnerships Program.

The program supports grassroots projects or events focused on proactive environmental sustainability and the health and wellbeing of the wider community, that relate to water or water use.

SA Water's General Manager of Strategy, Engagement and Innovation Anna Jackson said the program has a demonstrated success in making a real difference to communities across South Australia.

"Water plays such an important role in society, and beyond its function in maintaining public health and use for fitness and recreational activities is vital in sustaining employment and economic development in communities across South Australia," Anna said.

"We know the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 have presented challenges for many local community groups and event organisers, and we're looking forward to see how we can provide support.

"We've worked together with around 40 not-for-profits over recent years, ranging from helping disadvantaged South Australians learn more about sustainable water use in the house and garden, to supporting a team of keen beach-goers keeping SA's marine environments clean from rubbish.

"We know there are many more groups of all shapes and sizes with creative, water-related projects making a difference that will be perfect for our Community Partnerships Program, and we want to hear from as many as possible as part of this year's application process."

Applications for SA Water's Community Partnerships Program close on 3 May 2021, with funding for the successful recipients to be made available from July 2021.

Successful projects must include key measurable outcomes, and have a clear link to SA Water's vision of delivering trusted water services for a sustainable and healthy South Australia.

To apply or find out details of the type of activities and groups which are eligible, visit





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