SA Water’s smart network claims AWA award prize


SA Water’s smart network claims AWA award prize

SA Water’s world-leading smart water technology is again celebrating success after being awarded the Research Innovation Award at the Australian Water Association’s 2019 SA Water Awards.

Among the highest accolades celebrated in the South Australian water industry, the award further recognises the step change in customer experience achieved by the utility after rolling out its smart water and wastewater network to manage water and sewer mains across SA.

SA Water’s General Manager Asset Operations and Delivery Mark Gobbie said SA Water was honoured to receive the award and the stamp of approval it brings for the corporation’s pioneering use of technology.

“This is terrific recognition for our team who have worked tirelessly to utilise this technology in our water network and deliver better outcomes for our customers,” Mark said.

“By using research to better understand smart technology we can detect cracks in our pipes based purely on acoustic noises, with the technology now a key feature of our water network in the Adelaide CBD.

“Our sensors detect around 200 environmental noises every day, and we continue to understand acoustic patterns to help distinguish cracks in our pipes from other sounds picked up by the technology.

“Since implementing the technology as part of a trial in 2017, the smart technology has helped us proactively detect and fix just under half of all water main leaks in the CBD area up to June this year.

“This award shows our evolving approach in asset management, and using precise data to better meet our customer’s needs and expectations while gaining a better understanding of the infrastructure itself.”

SA Water's smart water network uses acoustic sensors, pressure and flow data, high speed transient pressure sensors, smart meters and water quality sensors to monitor the underground pipe network for faults.

“By assessing the results at our world-class Operations Control Centre, we can then identify any abnormalities in the network, and ensure we continue to deliver services for our customers,” Mark said.

“Along with over 300 acoustic sensors in our CBD network, our thirst for innovation has seen 300 smart meters also installed in Penneshaw, with pressure sensors, flow meters, acoustic leak detection sensors and two water quality sensors also rolling out across Athelstone, North Adelaide and Port Lincoln.

“We are already seeing rewards in adapting this technology into our sewers too, having recently seen success at the Australian IoT Awards for our wastewater network trial.”





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